Tuesday, July 21, 2020

German 7th Day Adventists leaders praised Hitler

Hitler and the Nazi party were praised by 7th Day Adventist leaders in Germany, including the Church president Adolf Minck

Fatal Flirting:
The Nazi State and the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Pg. 6

Following in the footsteps of the Christian majority, the Seventh-day Adventist Church cannot be commended for its actions during the Nazi Regime. Echoing the praises for the rise of Hitler to power, Adolf Minck, President of the Adventist German Church, penned his satisfaction with the election of Adolf Hitler in the August Edition of Advenbote (the offical periodical of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany at that time): “A fresh enlivening, and renewing reformation spirit is blowing through our German lands . . . this is a time of decision, a time of such opportunities for a believing youth as has not been for a long time. . . . The word of God and Christianity shall be restored to a place of honor” (Minck 1994:259). Another example expressing enthusiasm for the Nazi state was Wilhem Mueller who went so far as to label Hitler as “chosen by God” for the office of chancellor and praising his similarity with Adventism’s health reform: “As an anti-alcoholic, non-smoker, [and] a vegetarian he is closer to our own view of health reform than anybody else” (Mueller 1994:260)

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